GSA funding opportunity: Enhanced receiver for autonomous driving

The FE call aims at developing a Galileo-based positioning engine meeting full automation PVT performance.
The FE call aims at developing a Galileo-based positioning engine meeting full automation PVT performance.

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has opened a call for proposals within its Fundamental Elements funding mechanism, targeting the development of an innovative positioning On-Board-Unit (OBU) suitable for fully automated driving. The deadline for submissions is 1 March 2019.

Autonomous driving is set to radically transform mobility - enhancing road safety, reducing traffic and exhaust pollution, and increasing comfort for drivers and passengers alike. The autonomous driving concept will transfer the vehicle control function from the human driver to the automated system, which needs to be aware of its location, sense the surrounding environment and navigate by making decisions without human input.

Hybridisation is key

Autonomous driving is a safety-critical application, as its failure may have serious consequences for people, property and the environment. Therefore autonomous cars need high-performance positioning engines that make optimal use of a complete set of sensors complementing each other in a tightly hybridised solution.

Read this: GSA releases 2018 Grant Plan

The objectives of this call for proposals are to develop an innovative close-to-market GNSS-based On-board-Unit (OBU) suitable for fully automated driving and/or cooperative positioning (ideally level 5, according to the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) classification), integrating a GNSS receiver with additional sensors and possibly a communication modem to enable the target application’s performance.

GNSS will be the core element of the proposed solution, thanks to its unique capacity for providing accurate absolute positioning and precise timing information, but will be hybridised with other on-board sensors such as LIDAR, radar, cameras, etc.

EGNSS differentiators

The receiver should leverage EGNSS differentiators such as multi-frequency (E1/E5 or E1/E5/E6), wide-band (E5 AltBOC) and pilot signals, Open Service navigation message authentication (OS-NMA), Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS), and so on.

The call for proposals is intended to fund up to two projects with the following activities:

  • Design, development, testing and demonstration of dual- or multi-frequency GNSS-based OBU for fully autonomous driving to be embedded on autonomous vehicles.
  • Tight integration of the GNSS receiver with other sensors to reach the application needs.

Fundamental Elements call: At a glance

  • Market segment: Road
  • Deadline for submission of proposals: 1 March 2019
  • Expected signature of contract: September to November 2019
  • Maximum budget allocated: EUR 4 000 000
  • Maximum number of projects: 2
  • EU financing amount for each of the two projects: up to EUR 4 000 000 (70% co-funding)
  • Webinar date: 22 November 2018 at 15:00.


On 22 November 2018 at 15:00, a webinar on the Fundamental Elements Call “Enhanced Receiver for autonomous driving/navigation” will be held to provide applicants with additional details on the proposal preparation.

To register for the webinar click here.

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