New free software 'Toolkits' bring EGNOS accuracy and integrity to smart phones


The European Commission has introduced free, downloadable and ready-to-use Toolkits to help anyone develop enhanced location and timing applications that harness the power of Europe’s EGNOS satellite-based augmentation system.

Developing new apps is easy with EGNOS Toolkits ©Peter Gutierrez

Integrating EGNOS capabilities into GNSS-based positioning applications can be a time-consuming endeavour. The new EGNOS Toolkit provides an easy and effective way to harness EGNOS corrections in smart phone devices by clearly explaining what is needed and providing all the necessary files and resources.

What is an EGNOS Toolkit?

EGNOS Toolkits include easily downloadable software packages, demo applications and other supporting materials, allowing application developers, researchers, university students and others to create, use and maintain EGNOS-capable positioning applications.

For receiver manufacturers and mobile phone developers, the EGNOS Toolkit contains free source code, allowing the easy integration of EGNOS capabilities into a smart phone.

For those who are simply curious, an EGNOS Toolkit provides a means of exploring and understanding the entire chain from the raw GNSS satellite signal to enhanced EGNOS positioning data.

The EGNOS Software Development Kit (SDK)

Along with EGNOS-enabling software tools developed under the EU 7th research framework programme-funded projects, ‘Signature’ and ‘Pegase’, the new ‘EGNOS SDK’ provides an easy way incorporate all EGNOS corrections and integrity capabilities, allowing developers to perform real EGNOS integration directly into a smart phone. EGNOS SDK is a highly flexible tool that works with different operating systems, including Android, Apple and RIM.

Michaël Mastier, EGNOS SDK Project Manager at the European Commission, says, “With the publication of the EGNOS SDK, the Commission aims to provide documentation and easy-to-use software to foster the development of applications that harness the advantages of EGNOS on smart phones and handheld receivers."

Andreas Kroier of EGNOS SDK developer, DKE Aerospace, says both static and kinematic tests have been conducted and EGNOS performed well in both cases: "The EGNOS SDK provides an average increase of 30% in position accuracy over GPS alone.“

The demo application: Users can install the demo application on a smart phone for a lively introduction to the EGNOS SDK world. Red dots on screen represent the normal positioning information from GPS alone and green dots represent the enhanced position with EGNOS.

The source code: The EGNOS SDK provides all the necessary files for the demonstration application, for use as a basis for a new application, as well as core libraries, to integrate enhanced EGNOS positioning capability into an existing application.

Download it for free today!

The EGNOS SDK (core software, demo application, documentation) can be downloaded free here

The EGNOS Toolkits make it easier than ever to benefit from the power of EGNOS. EGNOS. It's there, use it!

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