GNSS User forum on Navigation based Innovation for Farmers

Funding programme

Project Details

Industry sectors
Total Cost
EU Contributions
Project Call
FP7 3rd Call
Contract Number
Background & objectives

Agriculture is a growing user community for satellite navigation. For farmers that cannot make the business case for investment in RTK systems, there are opportunities in using EGNOS as an affordable and acceptable system for many applications. With satnav, the agricultural sector can meet increased productivity targets while maintaining (improving) sustainability.

Why this project is important for EGNOS/GSA/SatNav?

A growing group of farmers and agricultural surveyors use satnav for their daily operations. Their specific use implies specific needs.


The objectives of UNIFARM are to:

  • Create a European network of GNSS based innovation initiatives, involving farmers, government, industry, science;
  • Develop tools (best practices, roadmaps, harmonised user cases, user requirements etc.) to be used in advisory services and education to improve awareness among the majority of farmers (beyond the ‘early adopters’) about how GNSS technology can contribute to their business;
  • Provide feedback to policy makers (both in SPACE and AGRI) at the national and European level on the state-of-play concerning GNSS based innovations in agriculture through a technology white paper and roadmap. This will be presented and discussed in meetings in the Member States and in Brussels involving relevant stakeholders (Administration, Parliament, Industry, Science & Education, Lobby groups etc.).

How does it work?

UNIFARM organises stand alone events to interact with stakeholders and participates in events organised by other networks and organisations. An online system has been developed to collect requirements. Vision papers have been distributed and feedback will be taken into consideration.

How does it work?