Level up your space idea with #MyGalileoSolution competition
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The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has just launched the #MyGalileoSolution competition. The contest is targeting European innovators and entrepreneurs ready to develop location-based solutions, such as mobile applications, wearable-based solutions, asset management and tracking solutions, or robotics, leveraging Galileo as a source of positioning, navigation and/or timing. A wide participation from all Member States is expected.
GSA has a successful track record in supporting and boosting GNSS-based innovative applications. For years the Agency has been leading several research and innovation initiatives such as the Galileo Masters, Horizon 2020 projects, and more recently European competitions like the 2019 MyGalileoApp and Hackathons across Europe and beyond.
Two tracks for 56 prizes
With a prize pool of almost € 1.5 million, MyGalileoSolution is the largest competition ever organized by the GSA. It consists of two independent and parallel tracks, each one with a list of goals and deliverables. Track 1 - From Idea to Prototype – aims to develop a beta version of an application or a prototype of a solution implementing an idea, reaching minimum 50 % of its functionality. Track 2 -From Prototype to Product – aims to develop a fully functional solution ready to be commercialised starting from a beta version of an application or a prototype.
Read this: MyGalileoDrone contest open for submissions!
Participants are expected to leverage Galileo’s robust positioning and accurate timing and synchronization capabilities, showing how it can enable the development of the next generation of applications and services across a wide range of areas. In this competition the GSA is challenging innovators in four different areas: Crisis & Emergency Response, Smart Transport for Green Deal, Solution for Digital Age, and Cybersecurity.
Galileo for Location-Based Services
With more than 1.5 billion Galileo-enabled smartphones and more than 51 million GNSS-enabled wearable devices in the market, the Location-Based Services (LBS) is booming. Accurate positioning and timing are at the heart of the growth and evolution of LBS, in addition the access to Android GNSS raw measurements has allowed for the creation of advanced GNSS positioning algorithms that enable the development of more ambitious smartphone-based applications.
And this: First Galileo Performance Reports of 2020 now available
‘’Galileo has set the trend for dual-frequency chipsets, which provide better accuracy and are more resistant to multipath in urban environments. We are looking forward to seeing innovators launching their disruptive GNSS solutions and turning them into real businesses, hence leading to European growth, competitiveness and sustainability. There is “space” for all types of innovation and we expect the participation of all Member States.”’ said Pascal Claudel, GSA Acting Executive Director.
"Competitions like MyGalileoSolution are a great opportunity to quickly move from idea to market”- said Francesco Fiorito, leader of Argeo, the winning team of the 2019 MyGalileoApp competition. "It is a confidence boost for young entrepreneurs and their capacity to grow and generate new solutions and business" he concluded.
The deadline for submission for both categories is September 30, projects will be evaluated in terms of their innovative nature, market potential, feasibility and Galileo relevance by a panel of GSA experts.
To learn more about the MyGalileoSolution competition click here. A series of Information Webinars will be organized, with the first one starting on 7 September 2020. You can register here.
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