Aviation and Drones

Accuracy is essential in aviation, thus GNSS is used extensively, with Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS). EGNOS, the European SBAS provides access to small and medium airports through Performance Based Navigation procedures, increasing safety and enabling business growth across Europe. Currently, over 400 airports across Europe rely on EGNOS for fuel-efficient and less noisy approaches.

Earth Observation data by Copernicus enables the monitoring of volcanic ash clouds, emissions, terrain (supporting optimised routing), flight procedure development and flight planning.

Similar to Air Traffic Control (ATC), U-space is a drone ecosystem designed to control, manage and integrate all UAS flying within the Very Low Level (VLL) airspace. Complementing ATC, it will ensure the safety, security and efficiency of drone operations. GNSS positioning by Galileo, further enhanced by EGNOS will allow airspace regulators to create and enforce geofences around events, critical infrastructure or densely populated areas where flight is either regulated, restricted or prohibited.

Earth Observation is also set to play a role in UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) operations, particularly as to supporting safe route planning. For instance, maps that integrate Earth Observation data can provide operators with insights on population density, allowing them to plan routes that avoid crowded areas.

Aviation and Drones In Action

light blue/purple background with two round images showing a drone each

Leveraging both the Galileo Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA) service, as well as the recently launched Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS), three EUSPA-supported projects are helping advance Innovative Air Mobility (IAM).

Learn what sets the Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS) apart from other GNSS augmentation services.
The Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS) celebrates its successful first year setting this Galileo service apart from other GNSS augmentation services and is poised to meet the rising demand for high-precision global navigation services.
The Cassini Challenge is looking for innovative, space-based solutions and ideas ready to help solve some of today’s most pressing issues.

The CASSINI Challenges competition is looking for innovative, space-based solutions ready to help solve some of today’s most pressing issues.

2023 was an eventful year for EUSPA thanks to milestones such as the EU SST takeover or the implementation of Galileo HAS

It’s the last month of the year, which can only mean one thing: time for EUSPA’s annual recap.

EU Space Week, happening now in Seville, is putting the spotlight on Europe’s dynamic – and rapidly growing – space sector

EU Space Week, happening now in Seville, is putting the spotlight on Europe’s dynamic – and rapidly growing – space sector, with over 3,000 participants both online and onsite.

Fast Facts

EGNOS based procedures at 367 airports & helipads
drone receiver models with EGNOS/Galileo capabilities are available in the market, representing 30% of receiver models used for drone’s navigation.
