EUSPA launched Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) services survey

blue banner with white text: We need your feedback! Help us improve the EU SST User Engagement activities
EUSPA is launching a consultation aiming at gathering information concerning the interest of potential users in the evolution of the EU SST services and the possibility to establish a marketplace within EU industry.

Are you an SST service user? Or are you interested in SST? We want to hear from you! EUSPA has launched a new survey on the evolution of Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) services. The consultation aims to gather information on the specific needs of users, their interest in the evolution of the EU SST services and the possibility to establish a marketplace.

EU SST is a key asset to safeguarding space assets including the EU Space Programme satellites and a key operational capability in the EU’s approach to Space Traffic Management (STM). As a result, EU SST is constantly upgrading and developing new technologies to better meet user needs. 

This quick 10-minute survey contains three sections:

  • Introduction – user inputs and their specific needs.
  • Basic/public and advanced/commercial services - provides a detailed description of each potential service and collects user needs.
  • Service Classification and Marketplace - classification of the services and a potential marketplace for the provision of the advanced/commercial services.

If you are a user of EU SST or planning to be and would like to contribute to its continuing development, you can take the short survey here.

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