SPACE4Cities - Integrating Galileo and Copernicus downstream applications to support dynamic use of Public spaces

Funding programme
Horizon Europe

Project Details

EUSPA Project Officer
Giovanni Lucchi
Total Cost
5 199 797€
EU Contributions
5 199 797€
Project Call
Contract Number
Background & objectives

SPACE4Cities will increase the uptake of space-based solutions for dynamic use and management of public space. This is an area of smart city development which is currently lagging behind in digital transformation when compared to parallel domains of similar economic and social importance. 

Cities are at the forefront of fighting today’ s grand societal challenges, as they consume 75% of the natural resources, 78% of the world’s energy, produce 50% of the global waste, and emit 60-80% of the greenhouse gases. Yet, they account for less than 2% of the Earth’s surface, which is why the SPACE4Cities project predominantly targets cities and densely populated regions. Cities face increasing pressure to tackle their climate challenges and to utilise their existing assets more efficiently, while being more agile in reacting to constant change from climate events and other factors. 

However, cities are currently not able to manage their public space (on ground and in air) in a manner that would adequatly address these needs. If the management of areas is to become dynamic, it has to be based on dynamic data assets. SPACE4Cities answers a concrete need for cities and regions to be able to adapt to fast-changing requirements for transport infrastructure, open spaces and city maintenance, and to increase their resilience to cope with extreme and disruptive events. Via smart exploitation of space data, the project aims to build replicable solutions for the dynamic management of public areas and a clear roadmap for Europe-wide implementation of such space data-based solutions.








