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Industry sectors
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    Precision agriculture is an area where satellite-enabled services have made a big impact. But sometimes the weather gets in the way or farmers need very high resolution data. Now EGNOS is being used to help develop a flexible ‘camera in the sky’ service that can provide the essential data that farms need, when they need it.

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    Which came first: the chicken or the egg? It is an old puzzle, but applicable to many contemporary situations. For instance, in the aviation sector adoption of EGNOS-enabled navigation procedures needs acceptance from all sides - airports, aircraft manufacturers, operators and air navigation service providers (ANSPs) – to realise maximum benefits for all. The Accepta project is working to break inertia in the sector and accelerate adoption of EGNOS technologies.

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    Exhibitors at the 75th Sima-Simagena International Agri-Business Show at the Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre from 24 to 28 of February noted an increase in demand for satellite technology installed in tractors and harvesters over recent years.

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    Africa and the EU are working closely on implementing satellite navigation technologies that can make a major impact on economic development. The benefits that can be delivered by technologies such as EGNOS are considerable. But raising awareness of the opportunities with local business, academics and policy makers is very important. This is where the ‘Awareness in Africa’ project is making a real difference.

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    The European GNSS Agency (GSA) is working to engage the regional business communities in opportunities offered by the EU’s space programmes. As part of this effort, a workshop for SMEs and other enterprising companies and individuals is being organised on 27 March at GSA’s HQ.

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    The ability of EGNOS to enable cost-effective Performance-based Navigation (PBN) was highlighted at the World Air Traffic Management (ATM) Congress in Madrid in mid-February. Satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS), such as EGNOS, can provide the required high precision without the need for costly investment.

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    Augmented Satellite Navigation systems, such as EGNOS, are one of the enabling technologies for Performance Based Navigation (PBN). Implementation of PBN is a key short- to medium-term task for aviation authorities across Europe. A workshop organised by Pildo Labs in Barcelona, Spain will share best practices in developing and operating these essential procedures.

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    Spain is clearly keen on space technology with thousands of visitors passing through the doors of the European Space Expo in Madrid this week. The free exhibition featuring Europe’s Galileo, EGNOS and Copernicus programmes was a big hit with Spanish citizens of all ages!