
Industry sectors
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    The number of smartphones around the globe benefitting from Galileo is increasing rapidly

    The Galileo programme has reached an important milestone, with an estimated 2 billion Galileo-enabled smartphones sold until today. This is an incredible achievement, when we think that the first Galileo-enabled smartphone only hit the market in 2016, and shows that the market has been quick to trust and embrace the advantages that Galileo offers.

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    The deadline for submissions is extended until 20 August 2021.

    The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has launched a new Call for Proposals for the “Acceleration of EGNOS Adoption in Transport”. The objective of the Call is to foster EGNOS uptake in the European aviation, maritime, inland waterways and railway sectors. The deadline for submissions is 19 July 2021. An informative webinar on the call will be held on 23 April; to register, click here. For more information on the call, click here.

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    Galileo Green Lane – keeping Europe moving during the pandemic.

    The European GNSS Agency (GSA) is organising a webinar on 13 April to provide information on the ‘Enhanced Galileo Green Lane - Design and Implementation’ call. Starting at 15:00 CET, the webinar will last just over an hour and will provide useful information for all parties interested in participating in this invitation to tender. For more information about the tender, click here, and to register for the webinar, click here.

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    SAR beacons save 7 lives every day around the world.

    Beacon Awareness Day (#406Day) on April 6 is an opportunity to celebrate the amazing work carried out by Search and Rescue teams around the world that risk their lives on a daily basis to save people in distress. It also aims to remind the owners of Search and Rescue beacons the need to register their beacon and test them in a regular basis, in particular for what concerns their batteries and, for those already registered, to update their Cospas-Sarsat contact details.

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    EUSPA will cover the security of the components of the EU Space Programme.

    Security governance needs to be agile and reactive, European GNSS Agency (GSA) Head of Security Stefano Iannitti said at the virtual CYSAT conference, dedicated to cybersecurity for the space industry, which took place in Davos on 17-19 March. Iannitti went on to outline the main threats for a space system and the challenges faced in protecting both the services provided to users and the system itself.

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    The GSA will create a database of experts based on the expressions of interest.
    The European GNSS Agency (GSA) is looking for experts to support the Agency with advice on, among others, assessing applications for EU funding, including tenders, grants and prizes, and monitoring of EU-funded projects and contracts. For more information and to download the call click here.
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    MyGalileoSolution & MyGalileoDrone are helping take innovative space ideas to the next level.

    The winners of the MyGalileoSolution & MyGalileoDrone were announced at Entrepreneurship Day, organised by the GSA in March 2021 to promote EGNSS-based creativity and business opportunities. The goal was also to raise awareness of the role of downstream space in achieving the EU’s common goals. The winners spoke about their experience during the competition and how it was helping to take their ideas to the next level.

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    A new initiative gives start-ups an opportunity to fly.
    Date, a Horizon-2020 project of the European GNSS Agency (GSA) that is helping create partnerships between GNSS industries in Europe and Asia, has launched the Soft-Landing programme – a start-up support initiative that will prepare European GNSS-based innovators for scalable success in Asia. Applications should be submitted by 26 March 2021. Interested? Apply here.

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    The hackathon aims to fuel innovation in urban mobility.

    The Molière project, which aims at developing innovative mobility solutions using GNSS and blockchain, is to host a virtual hackathon in Barcelona on 22-26 March targeting groundbreaking ideas to tackle the challenges faced when implementing new mobility services. Do you have an innovative idea for the mobility sector? Register here before March 22.

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    The EGNOS Safety of Life service has been supporting civil aviation in Europe since it was launched in 2011.

    The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) Safety of Life (SoL) Service is celebrating its 10th Anniversary. Since it was declared operational in March 2011, the EGNOS SoL Service has been supporting civil aviation by enabling approaches down to LPV (Localiser Performance with Vertical guidance) minima at airports across Europe.